If you happen to be a teacher or a student, you are probably in the throes of semester wrap-up. And whoosh...these are difficult and stressful days. Plus we have the Easter holiday approaching which is wonderful...but also demanding especially if we are trying to arrange celebrations and family get-togethers. During these types of trying times (or you name it), Jesus says to us: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28). And He doesn't stop there! He even goes on to declare in the next couple of verses: "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Gee. This sounds like quite the irony. An easy yoke? A light load? I wish! So, what's a gal to do when instead she's feeling yoked to a mountain of work and with a burden that is overwhelmingly heavy and weighing her down? Well, the directions are fairly clear. We can choose to: 1) Go to Jesus 2) Receive the rest He offers 3) Take up His yoke 4) Learn from Him 5) Find rest ![]() There is so much in these verses that it would take a while to unpack. But remember, I'm busy! I've got a ton of grading to do, plus Rico wants to stay outside ... constantly ... nibbling on delicious dandelions and scrumptious violets! [I think I could learn something from Rico, too. He is the King of Chill.] So let's cut to the chase. That word..."rest"....Guess what it means? It means "pause, cease/stop moving with the purpose to recover and collect strength." It suggests a patient expectation, keeping calm, getting rest and feeling refreshed." Yes! This is just what the doctor ordered! And the timing is perfect! Today I want to intentionally pause a time or two so I can remind myself that I work in my Father's vineyard, that I am yoked with Christ, and that I can learn how to manage my busy life from the Master Himself. During these pauses, I think I will find a bit of a reprieve, renewed strength to carry on, and a re-orientation to what is most important amidst all the busyness of life. I also can take a moment to show gratitude. I am so grateful that I have a job in the first place, grateful that I have a unique opportunity to influence the lives of my students, grateful that I have resources to provide for the needs of my family, grateful that I am needed by the people I love, grateful that we can gather together to celebrate, grateful that I am not alone in my efforts, grateful that I have a Savior who helps me navigate the details of my life, grateful that I have a dog named Rico who unconditionally loves....and the list goes on! My prayer:
Father in heaven, thank you for teaching me your ways. Thank you for walking beside me and leading the way. I'm so delighted to be yoked with you. It keeps me from wandering off and it keeps me on the tasks you want me to be mindful of. I'm thankful that at your side, I can find joy, strength, and feel refreshed in my work. But most importantly, thank you for bearing the cross for humanity so that we can live in the life and love of your resurrection. Amen. Comments are closed.