![]() Join me today as I share how I have attempted to and continue to educate myself regarding racism and the challenges our country is currently facing. At the beginning of the episode, I share 3 hurdles I faced in my quest, and then I delve into 3 steps I'm taking in my educational journey: 1) Develop empathy 2) Lean on the heavies 3) Commit to continued education ![]() Be sure to follow along using this worksheet: CLICK HERE for your Free PDF Study Guide for the C2T Series: Our Souls Have No Color Some of my fav ministries: Ravi Zacharias Tim Keller Truth for Life Family Life Today Focus on the Family List of Resources I have considered in my journey--sent to me by friend. Please note: I am not "endorsing" these resources, per se. I am only sharing some with you in the event you might enjoy a starting point. https://www.theraineys.org/post/3waystohealracism Prison Fellowship "1776 Unites" Organization: "Be the Bridge" * Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington * A Lot Like Me by Larry Elder (great book, but has a lot of language) * Discrimination and Disparities and other books by Thomas Sowell (with a great talk here) * Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy * Gifted Hands by Ben Carson * Please Stop Helping Us by Jason Riley * The Content of Our Character by Shelby Steele * On the Road to Economic Freedom by Robert Woodson * Race and Economics by Walter Williams “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, Comments are closed.