![]() Have you seen Captain Marvel yet? This is not a spoiler, so don't worry! Rather I want to share with you of one of the most powerful sequences in the movie (to me). Toward the end of the movie, the protagonist must either give in to defeat or find the inner strength to keep fighting (a fairly typical super hero scenario, yes?). Well, in a series of 4-5 flashbacks from different stages of her life to the woman she now is, she saw herself in full-color memories falling down (literally) and defeated (apparently) in one life changing event after another. She was ridiculed, mocked, accused, and bruised. But Every. Single. Time. She stood back up. This is the manifested strength of a true warrior. It's getting back up at all costs. It's not accepting defeat as the ultimate option. It is an in-your-face to the enemy. One of my favorite Bible verses speaks of this. It's from the Old Testament, Micah 7:8: "Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light" (NIV). I'm sure our lives are quite different, but in mine and with God's help, He has taught me and helped me to become an overcomer. I still wage battle, of course, and each day I must take toxic thoughts captive--ever tried that? Trust me - it's no easy feat! My point with all of this is to encourage even one reader. Though our battles may be different, these things I know: God has your back. You are not alone. If you are a Christian, you have God's Holy Spirit within you - who is far greater than the enemy of your soul. You can use the Word to defend yourself. It's not the end. Perhaps the best news is that you get to choose the outcome! And when you fall, take heart. You will rise again. When all else fails, ask God to simply help you stand. The victory is God's, yes, but you can be a willing, trusting, and hopeful warrior. Ready your horse and put on the armor. Don't you think it's time to stand back up? Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Eph. 6:13 Comments are closed.