This is where the rubber meets the road...where our faith and our actions work side by side or at least they’re in the same ballpark! Given that we are examining our hearts (Episode 026: Examine) often and attempting to become better informed about the issues surrounding racism (Episode 028: Educate), are there things we can actually DO? Yep…and in my journey, I’ve made a Sweet 16 list of can-do action items that I’m hoping to implement in my quest to engage my community regarding race, culture and ethnicity. Why do we engage? Because LOVE IS A VERB! And because others might see our good deeds and glorify the Father! Remember to snag your free PDF Study Guide for this series where you can follow along and take notes about these 16 practical application items. Tune in to this concluding Episode 030 (19-minute listen) of the Choose 2 Think Podcast series entitled "Our Souls Have No Color: ENGAGE."
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