So get this. When you give thanks to God, praise and adore Him, turn your focus to Him each morning, you are literally changing the landscape of your brain! When you turn our thoughts to God, you are using your MIND. Your MIND influences your BRAIN literally! Your brain generates hundreds if not thousands of new brain cells daily. Combine this with the impact of taking thoughts captive (2 Cor. 10:5) and being transformed through the renewing of your mind (Rom. 12:2), and you have a RECIPE for JOYFUL, PEACEFUL living. So often in the Bible, God encourages you to give thanks. When you give thanks you cannot complain, worry, or fret simultaneously. Serious moments of thanksgiving and adoration of God push away darkness and anxiety, rewiring your biological brain and renewing your mind. What better time to give thanks than when you first arise each morning? Psalm 92 teaches us to give praise in the morning and reflect on God's faithfulness each night! Giving thanks is a critical habit for Brain Changers everywhere--it can change the entire dynamic of our day. What's more, adoring God is like super "food" or miracle GROW for our brain and all those new cells! Why does all this matter anyway? What you focus on grows. Focusing on God reduces anxiety and calms our fears and worries. Start your day right! Feed your brain God's life giving TRUTH. Then see what a difference it makes! FEATURED ARTICLES: The Scientific Benefits of Worship by Hansen The Lovely Insufficiency of Gratitude by Bloom Treasury of David (Psalm 92) MUST SEE VIDEO: Dr. Caroline Leaf On Worship and Our Brains Comments are closed.