Apparently, we're gaining weight during Covid, a phenomenon fondly called "The Quarantine 15." And it's no wonder, right?! The sad news is that America already had a weight problem that has only grown over these last 9 months. According to Statista, 26% of US adults are inactive and 31% are obese (the highest rate in the WORLD!). The cause? Nearly half of all Americans conclude that main contributors for obesity are inactivity and a poor diet. Our daily routines have changed drastically and our stress levels have skyrocketed in 2020. The gyms are closed, and we stock up on prepackaged foods or takeout. How do we cope with all the fear and the unknowns? To what do we turn in our time of need? For some folks, it's Food. Though we may be more inactive than ever and though we may not be choosing the most healthy foods during this long and troublesome season, there is another culprit at play as well, and we tend to shy away from addressing this all-too-familiar foe when it comes to food. This culprit is called ADDICTION.
Addiction is not a respecter of persons and comes in all shapes and sizes. It lures the lady who weighs 120 pounds and traps the one over 200. We don't often talk about food addiction, restriction & fixation. Further, in some circles, obesity is glorified, celebrated, and justified. Even in the Christian community, it seems to be a taboo subject, much like smoking or adult onset diabetes. What do you mean--food an addiction? It's not like drugs, alcohol, or porn. After all, we HAVE to eat! True. And it's up to us to make healthy food selections to provide the best "fuel" for our bodies and brains. Chemically, food has mega power to influence as it produces all kinds of hormonal and bodily responses. And this is, in part, how food invites us into addictive behavior. In other words, food is pleasant to eat, it tastes delicious, and it produces feel-good hormones in our bodies and brain....which can stimulate cravings...and fuel addictions. Often, food becomes our CRUTCH and a SOURCE FOR COMFORT. This is what we have experienced in 2020. Food addiction distracts and comforts from the harsh realities we may be facing. Perhaps subconsciously, we have elevated our desire for food, adoring and idolizing it which ironically sustains and promotes the flame of addiction. This is hard news for many of us to accept. It's only food, for crying out loud! True again, but in Christian-ease, food can be an idol if we're not careful. I know. I've been there as well as many of you! Alcohol, gambling & pornography, and food (if we are not mindful) have the ability to supplant God on the throne of our hearts. And the remedy? Stay tuned! I've a special guest on this week's Choose 2 Think Podcast Episode 051: TIPPING THE SCALES: The True Secret to Lasting Weight Loss with Wendy Parmley. You DON'T want to miss Wendy's insight into her weight loss journey. She's lost about 100 pounds so far and has another 100 to go. She talks the lowdown on weight restriction and addiction! But listen. You don't have to wait until the New Year to make a change in your life. Take a teeny step in the right direction today. Comments are closed.