Even though I am a Christian, if I am not careful, I can let my mind give way to fear or worry. Thankfully, I am learning new ways to deal with these emotions. Over the last three years, I have committed to studying the mind/brain connection and exactly what it means to "take every thought captive" (2 Cor. 10:5). Through the ministries of Dr. Caroline Leaf and Dr. David Levy and with the help of God, I have begun to see the fruits of my quest. Though lasting change can be agonizing and time consuming, the actual process to take thoughts captive is fairly simple: We must first recognize and isolate the toxic thought and then next replace it with Biblical truth (repeatedly). Think of the Word of God as the trump card. No matter what the opponent throws on the table, you always have a trump card in your hand, and you only have to use it (repeatedly)! Because we love, it is easy to feel worried and concerned about those we love. We can borrow a thousand cares from tomorrow if we are not mindful. When I find myself a bit disturbed or anxious about my children, parents, friends (for whatever reasons!)....I pull out my trump card that says "God is enough for my loved ones." Suddenly, I am reoriented to the Truth. I remember that I cannot be god to them and that God has to be God to them. And, yes, I am aware that some "worries and concerns" are of the gargantuan category. Our pain is real and deep and excruciating at times. But somehow the process is the same. We isolate the toxic, fear-filled thought. Then we dig as deeply as we can to find the truth bearing trump card. We are not alone in that the Holy Spirit helps us with this process and will guide us "into all the truth" (John 16:13). With the Truth, we find validation, comfort, rest, and peace. God really is enough. Indeed His grace alone is sufficient (2 Cor. 12:9). God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.
(2 Tim. 1:7)
3/13/2019 09:35:58 am
I love this. Thank you for being so encouraging. Am going to try and practice this more and more!
3/13/2019 09:41:10 am
Sharon, we are in this together! :) Thanks for reading this morning!!! Comments are closed.