Take a deep dive today into the 5 R's of Taking Thoughts Captive. This is my signature process or technique in helping you live your BEST THOUGHT LIFE TODAY! Tune in to Episode 082: Keeping Your Joy (and Energy) even when Someone Says or Does Something Hurtful to You (Psalm 22) for 7 steps you can take to achieve optimal MIND RENEWAL & LASTING TRANSFORMATION. The 5 R's of renewing your mind: Recognize Resist Replace Renew Repeat Choose 2 Think Merch & More makes a great hub for finding that perfect gift for someone you care about! Grab your favorite t-shirt, feel empowered as you start your day, and wear it like you mean it! Check out this I CHOOSE 2 BE A BRAIN CHANGER TODAY t-shirt to inspire you to take thoughts captive. Want personal 1-1 coaching? I'd love to offer you a 60-minute FREE Thought Strategy Session! DM me for details at [email protected].
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