Hebrews 6:19 says we have a hope set before us as an "anchor of the soul" which implies that our souls need an anchor in the first place. Our soul represents the seat of the feelings, desires, affections, aversions (our heart, etc.) I know my soul sure does need an anchor of hope! If I'm not careful, my thoughts, attitudes, mindsets, and emotions are tossed and turned much like a boat at sea during a storm. I'm pressed and stressed from all sides, challenged to bend but not break. But what's the secret to being anchored by hope? Anchors sometimes bite into the seabed with their flukes keeping the boat firmly stationed. Other times, however, anchors serves as a weighted resistance (kinda like parachutes) pulling against the current to keep the water craft righted and steadied as much as possible during a storm.
Although Jesus's sacrifice anchors my soul with eternal hope, I still have a duty as a child of God to throw the anchor overboard and use it! Although God gives me the strength and resilience I need to walk His ways in the 21st century, I still have a responsibility to take my thoughts captive and to fight back against those toxic thoughts and mindsets that pull my attention away from God's Truths. Times like these require considerable flexibility and determination on our parts. As Christians we have the privilege to demonstrate to others that we are filled with hope, not fear. Tune in to the Choose 2 Think podcast Episode 020: Are you resilient? to connect the dots between the hope we have and the strength we need to pivot our souls toward Truth. Comments are closed.