So many things of this life can really weigh us down. It might be our fears, worries, and a gazillion anxieties and cares that are such heavy burdens we may be bearing. Thank goodness, there is a better way! In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” What does this verse mean? I think it means that we can be yoked to the things of this world OR we can choose to be yoked to Christ. Draft cattle wore yokes when plowing. We, too, can wear "yokes" when we are working and doing life. If we are not careful, however, we may choose to yoke ourselves alone (we will lose balance) or we may choose to yoke ourselves to other burdens or bondage objects like toxic thinking, addictions, perfectionism, performance mentalities, legalism, or our own identity of who the world says we should be - which will all bring us down. Yokes provide ease when worn appropriately and fitted nicely as designed. Yokes also create a "draft" where we are drawn in the right, proper direction when walking with Christ. For me, I was yoked in my life to the worldly idea that I could do life by myself with an "I got this, God" kind of mentality. I have also been yoked to toxic thinking, totally discounting that I have the mind of Christ. In all scenarios, it is never too late to take off the yoke that binds, that is heavy, and that makes our lives miserable and extremely difficulty to "do." If you are weary (and you know if that is you!) there is a different way that can actually energize and empower you in new and exciting ways! You can take up Christ's easy and light yoke, following Him as He leads the way. Then as you work and do life, you actually will find the REST FOR YOUR SOUL (your mind and emotions) that no other yoke could ever offer much less provide! God bless you on your journey! I am so grateful that Jesus gave us this image of a yoke to remind us that there is a better way with Him! SIDE NOTE: The yoke in my video actually weighs 27 pounds! Rico comes in at 4.5. :)
Mary Canning Vaughn
6/2/2019 10:27:53 am
I loved this today!!! Thank you Victoria. This really spoke to me and the visual will really stay with me. I feel as if my yoke is so much lighter already. 💞🙏
Victoria Walker
6/2/2019 10:31:37 am
You are welcome, Mary! Thanks for viewing, reading, commenting! This means the world to me!!!! My grandfather's yoke is currently in the floor of my tiny foyer. Every day I see it and I ask myself to whom/what am I yoked. For strong-willed women, it is hard to give up "control" but as Christians we are called to. :) blessings on your day! Comments are closed.